8 Steps to Spiritual and Earthly Riches by Terry Cole-Whittaker
Greetings Precious Spirit-Soul,
Attitude is everything because how you feel either empowers or depowers you, fills your sails or takes the wind out. Enthusiasm is the most empowering attitude and state of being because this is God consciousness, en theos, God within. With Step Six, we decided on what we want to offer and the need to consistently produce and distribute our knowledge, goods, gifts, and services. This requires persistence and the making of habits that will help us attain what we desire and also overcome and transcend any problems or obstructions that can slow our momentum and even stop us.
You are combining your spiritual purpose and mission with your work in the world as a spiritual entrepreneur, a mothership of nourishment for those for whom you are the spiritual support and carriers of the Wisdom Beyond the Ages, the wind beneath their wings fanning the flame of love of Source in their hearts through your enthusiasm and example. This is our mission each in our own special way, and yes each one of us is special. Enthusiasm is contagious and so are hatred, envy, and fear.
The enthusiastic are victorious even over opposition.
To be enthusiastic means being relentlessly optimistic and happy having nothing to do with what is happening out there somewhere, because you are the only god-particle you have control of and the one forever experiencing. Yes, there is spiritual magic afoot and you have to bring yourself into harmony with the Divine, tune in, and experience the dance of love of God within.
“For a sage who has conquered his senses, his mind, his breathing and his nature and who is always absorbed in meditation on Super Soul, what mystic perfection could possibly be difficult to achieve?” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.15.32
And the more we allow ourselves to feel the most wonderful, sweet, kind, and loving feelings, the stronger those feelings, leading to other Divine feelings. Feelings don’t come from the outer world, you are feelings as your authentic eternal self. If you want to feel good, then feel good. What is stopping you if this is the case? Always words and their meanings in words generating our emotions to the extremes as the energy machine of this virtual reality. Feeling good is being free of the belief that you are bound as a prisoner, because you always have free will to be where you place your attention and faith—our Source and inner knowing or the mind that uses words to function? When we stop thinking and listen within this is prayer and meditation. To change the outer start within and then change outer habits to harmonize.
“The conception of material bondage and the conception of liberation are both manifestations of ignorance. Being outside the scope of true knowledge, they cease to exist when one correctly understands that the pure spirit soul is distinct from matter and always fully conscious. At that time, bondage and liberation no longer have any significance, just as day and night have no significance from the perspective of the sun.” Srimad Bhagavatam 10.14.26
Momentum is brought about by our consistent state of consciousness and activities. Someone who is consistently angry, hateful and resentful increases the suffering. Whereas, by choosing to increase your good fortune in every way, a wise choice is to have the foundation attitude of: I am fortunate now and in all ways, because this is absolutely Truth.
Enthusiasm is a most special mood that can happen the moment you hear your very favorite dance song of all time. Regardless of the condition you are in, you are up and dancing and it really doesn’t matter where you are, because you are re-experiencing a great feeling of freedom of self expression. What is that song for you and what makes you feel so good? Singing the blues is using your sacred voice and feelings to curse one’s self and others by glorifying suffering as if saintly and Godlike. Excitement is not enthusiasm, because excitement has to do with one’s expectations and leads to depression and heartache when one’s expectations are not fulfilled. Enthusiasm is God consciousness, en theos, in tune with Absolute Love/Source and does not change because of outer conditions or programmed mind.
Doubt stops one’s manifestations; whereas, enthusiasm, faith, and the continual production and distribution of one’s talents, knowledge, and valuable products builds momentum and strengthens your spiritual and life’s work practices. As God-particles we are eternity and life. Maintaining our God/Source consciousness full of the joy of inner certainty labeled enthusiasm is our challenge. We can be in an ecstatic state of the sweetness of the Divine, when a word, a sentence was heard or read and triggered a fall into the abyss of ignorance and misery, by leaving God, our protector and maintainer in favor of terrifying and misery generating words. Many times, I have experienced falling from an inspired mood into a miserable mood because of reacting to words that triggered a strong emotional reaction. This is the opportunity for digging out and casting off any cruel or nasty thought forms that have been sabotaging us from within the subconscious and affirm and feel Absolute Truth.
“One becomes freed from whatever actions one refrains. This principle brings liberation for the human and frees her from suffering, illusion, and fear.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.21.18
How do we maintain enthusiasm? First of all we need to make being enthusiastic a good thing and OK to feel good when the world seems to be so full of misery and suffering. As a spiritual healing facilitator, I know the Truth that always is and never changes.
“Just as a dream is merely a creation of one’s intelligence, but has no actual substance, similarly material lamentation, illusion, happiness, distress and the acceptance of another material body take place by avidya (ignorance) and are not based on reality.” Srimad Bhagavatam 11.11.2
Illusion means to perceive something that looks like something else but is not such as a rope as a snake. It is easy to fool someone who wants to be deluded, tricked, cheated, abused, and even tortured mercilessly lifetime after so-called lifetime, or it would never happen, given our God-particle eternal self and nature. Good Advice: Be enthusiastic, cast off the lies and celebrate the Love, Beauty, Intelligence, and Glory of our Source, who we are part of.
I know all this good sounds amazing, but…? Doubt steps up to the plate to strike you out. Now What? Wishing you ever-increasing Love, Terry Spiritual Mother and Life’s Purpose and Mission Mentor & Practitioner Be-U-to-The -Full
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Motivational and inspiring. I love your teachings. You have helped me keep an open mind and open heart
Terry- you are always inspiring --- such a pioneer you are. Love you always.